There is one tweak that is the unsung hero of Cydia. Activator is the backbone of so many Cydia tweaks because it allows for gesture-based controls of almost anything. It can launch apps and do almost whatever you can imagine. It sits in the background on your iOS device and offers a slew of options. It may not receive the praise of some other tweaks like MyWi, Dreamboard, Winterboard, and others, but without Activator, many other tweaks would not be able to work.
If your phone is already jailbroken, chances are great that you probably already have Activator installed, even if you don’t realize it. Many other jailbreak tweaks rely on Activator to work, so they install it automatically as a dependency. Activator does a lot more than just work with other tweaks. You can use it to make your life a lot easier. Things you would normally have to do manually on your phone can be done with simple gestures using Activator.


jailbreak tweaks

If you download a lot of tweaks for your iPhone, chances are great that you probably already have Activator installed on your device. If you don’t, simply search Cydia for Activator, and download the free tweak. After a respring, it will be installed on your device and ready to use.


As I said before, many jailbreak tweaks use Activator as their method of starting. For example, the swiping across the top of the screen action used by SBSettings is through Activator. That being said, there is plenty you can do with Activator on your own to make your life even easier. You can use it to quickly launch apps, and perform other system actions. It can be a great way to save time.


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